The little town of Palma di Montechiaro is located in Southern Sicily, in the area of Agrigento. Not much to tell about the town, except for the fact that it gave birth to a famous Sicilian family, the Tomasis. The most famous member of the family is surely Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, the author of The Leopard, one of the most important Italian novels of the 20th century.
One of Giuseppe Tomasi’s ancestors who lived in the 17th century, Isabella, was a nun of the Benedectine cloistered convent of Palma. One day Isabella received a mysterious letter: it was written in an unknown language, a unique combination of ancient Greek symbols, Arab language and obscure signs. The nun told she received the letter from Satan himself; that’s why it is known as the Devil’s letter.
The message written in the letter has never been decoded. Today the document is still stored in the convent, a copy is on exhibition at theĀ Biblioteca Lucchesiana inĀ Agrigento.
I'm really interested about Isabella Tomasi personal life and the Letter, it's really interesting to learn more about it and the why it happened to her? Can't wait to go to that Tour and learn more about what happened in the 16th century in 1676 and why it happened to her and the Devil chose her? A 15 line letter and not a 5 line letter, it must be really hard to decode all 15 lines to go through that software in the deep web to find that Algorithm from deep within that Deep Web, so the letters there are Ancient and I would like to know why…? It must be 100 centuries old cause its mixed with Greek, Arabic, Rune and Ancient Symbols.